Monika's Página US

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Mostrar nombre: Monika
Cumpleaños: 06 April, 2000
Estado civil: Soltero
País: United States
Género: Femenino
Orientación sexual: Bisexual
Miembro: 6 años atrás
Videos públicos subidos: 270 Videos
Perfil visto: 55989 veces
Otras personas han visto Monika videos: 26M veces
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Sobre mi: Beautiful teacher seeks charming person with big dick for socialising, reading and maybe more Peter Parker once said 'You don't trust anyone, that's your problem.' But you can trust me. Hello lads and ladies! I'm learning about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them? I'm a special kind of gal, who likes nothing more than socialising with the right person. The first thing people usually notice about me is my admirable personality, closly followed by my smashing tits. I'm the woman for you, if you like great tits and ass, particularly combined with ample baby oil. I work as a teacher, helping customers. This allows me to exercise my skills: cooking and painting. My life goals include: Use a spider web as a parachute Fall in love with you Become the best teacher I can be Help all the customers in the world If you're the right person for me, you'll be charming and energetic. You won't be afraid to have a good time and will have a healthy respect for friendship. My ideal date would involve reading in Canada with a tall person by my side. While we're there, I admire your big dick whilst feeling I'm the luckiest woman on the planet. Let me tell you about a funny thing that happened to me last week. I was just helping an elderly across the road when I was hit by a car. I needed three stitches. BOOM! Go web! Fly! Up, up, and away web! Shazaam! Go! Go! Go web go! Tally ho. Light me fire, babe

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